Need data services that meet your unique situation?

We’ll support you on your data journey through our statistical consulting and training services.

Expert statistical consulting that identifies meaningful data insights and communicates this information tailored to your stakeholders.

Customised training to build the data literacy skills of your team. Delivered face-to-face or online.

One-on-one or small group sessions that advance your data skills in targeted areas. Delivered online.

Why Simplify Stats?

  • We have over 15 years of industry experience in statistics and biostatistics
  • We’ve lectured at graduate and postgraduate university levels across Sydney
  • We understand the varying data literacy needs of analysts and non-analysts alike
  • We specialise in communicating statistics simply

Dr Nicole Mealing

Simplify Stats supports you on your data journey.

We can assist you in the following scenarios, and many more:

  • Do you want to better understand the numbers you read in reports or hear in meetings?
  • Are you a statistician and your colleagues are having trouble understanding the outputs you send them?
  • Do you need a consultant to capture the user experience and refresh your statistical outputs to meet their needs?
  • Would you like to know how much you can read into ‘statistically significant’ results, and if they should dictate the insights drawn from your data?
  • Do you need customised training for your team or organisation?
  • Are you reading journal articles and wondering how to identify the take home messages and assess the quality of the research presented?
  • Do you struggle to understand or explain confidence intervals and other margins of error?
  • Do you need assistance in coding in a statistical language?
  • Would you like to understand the advantages and limitations of common statistical methods?
  • Have you been set a task to carry out a statistical analysis and are not sure where to start?

Find out more about Nicole, and what others have to say about attending her courses.